Pharcynus: I have heard that such a thing has been done before. Why, if I am not mistaken, it was the Witch-Queen of Grisamber...
Dyzan Dyzan: Incorrect. It was the Lamias of the Chork's Wood. As I recall there were some difficulties with "dead eggs" and keeping the toadstones awake. It was necessary to throw them in a fire at night, then sift the ashes for them in the morning. The fire staved off the sleepiness that comes over all toadstones. If they're allowed to torpor for too many days, you will find that they will never wake again.
Old Moll: [incoherent cackling] Eggs! Stones! The best ones come from the fastest toads that live near the river's edge. Polish 'em and pull out your eyes and pop 'em in your socketses. You'll see in the full blackness of a moonless night though folks in town will shun ya. Same rules apply -- you got to keep them eyes alive by burning them regular.
Excellent idea.